Sunrise Internet


As one of the fastest growing Regions in Australia the Sunshine Coast infrastructure projects are both massive and impressive

What does this rate of development mean for the Coast’s older and established buildings? Often referred to as ‘Dumb’ buildings on the fringe of the Smart City, there are hundreds of apartments, resorts, hotels and offices without high speed broadband and true fibre connections. Instead, old copper wiring prevails, even over the NBN footprint. This means tenants, residents, tourist visitors and local businesses experience the sort of internet performance that has contributed to Australia falling down to 64th  in the World Ranking for Broadband performance in June 2020.

Sunshine Coast Apartment buildings and Businesses can now experience 1Gbps ‘up’ and 1 Gbps ‘down’ and enjoy using their existing internal wiring (often 10 times the capacity of standard NBN connections). Connecting is very simple, and very fast with SunRise Internet.

SunRise Internet connects to the premise and interconnects with existing wiring, saving the need for huge upgrade costs. Yes, your existing internal wiring can share these Gigabyte connections. For Residential and Body Corporate Managers this is a great return on investment.

Skilled Residential and Body Corporate Managers are beginning to understand how to quickly upgrade the letting pools and residents with world class internet performance, and indeed turn ‘dumb’ buildings into proud members of the “Smart City”. For example, Sand Dunes Resort has 70 apartments and now uses 8 Terabytes a month compared to 1 Terabyte a month 3 years ago. Furthermore, the apartments are hosting 5+ internet devices inside each.

The sinking funds and resources for internet upgrades have traditionally been unable to cope with big technology capex hits, and traditional costs of $3-$4,000 per month for 1 Gbps. With SunRise Internet’s huge network capacity and lower costs everything changes, it’s a simple step up to a major increase in performance. Internet availability, quality and performance are enhanced, and costs are dramatically reduced.  TripAdvisor ratings improve. The Tourism destination is enhanced.


SunRise Internet enables high performance Video and Voice over the Internet to improve call quality and drive out cost. The technology also assists with elevator management, security monitoring and property surveillance.